Saturday, September 24, 2011

More Health Issues

This is a non-paranormal related blog, but I figured I'd put it up anyway.

On August 2nd of this year, I was rushed to the hospital having a heart attack. I found out via Heart Cath that I had 100% blockage in the LAD part of my heart. They said I was lucky to have survived.

Yesterday, I go to the Chiropractor with sever back pain. He did an exam on me, and then did a set of xrays, and I learn that a Vertebra close to my tailbone is completely knocked out of place, indicating a possible broken back. I am very overweight, which ALL of my Doctors were saying was the cause for my lower back pain. No one would help me. Finally, I get the help I need, and have been seeking for about two years, and I get the news that my back is possibly broken.

The Chiropractor is referring me to a back surgeon to get a second opinion. It may require surgery, but then again, it may not. There is only one Vertebra in my spine that's out of place, which to me says it was a direct blow to that Vertebra. So, since yesterday, I've been trying to think of something that may have caused this, and today, it hit me.

I was in intense physical therapy for my back, twice this year. The first time I went, the physical therapist put all of her weight, using her hands, on my lower back. This is what I believe caused this 'injury.' I am hoping that all it is, is out of place, and the Chiropractor can pop it back into place, and I'll be good. Keep your fingers crossed for me, as I will need all the luck I can get come next week.

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