Thursday, December 15, 2011

Para-Shows vs Reality

We have all sat down and watched at least one paranormal TV show at one point or another. So what is the difference between the Paranormal TV Shows, and actually doing an investigation? There is a huge difference!

With most of the shows out there right now, chances are, they have spent more than one night at the location trying to collect evidence. Lets say, for the benefit of a doubt, that each TV Show crew only spend one night at an investigation. What we do not see are the parts when nothing at all happens. Or, we only see less than half of what actually happened. Each show has to shove between an eight, and twelve hour investigation into either a thirty minute, or sixty minute show.

Let me also add that we all like different shows. However, I really feel that some of the shows that are airing right now can either hurt the paranormal field, or can shed light onto the field. Most shows, I feel, can shed a little light into the paranormal field, because most of them use the latest equipment available to all of us, as well as equipment soon to be released, etc. But at the same time, other shows make all of the paranormal investigators out there look stupid, and like we are all frauds. Although there are teams out there that are frauds, there are many more who aren't.

My last thought: There is a huge difference between what you see on TV, and what actually goes on.

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