Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Importance of EMF Readings

We all know that getting EMF Spikes on an EMF Meter can indicate that a spirit is present. But what if you're simply doing an EMF sweep of a location, before an investigation, or for every day use? What else does EMF Spikes mean?

Let me start by telling you of a private investigation G.P.S. did last year. Before starting the investigation, we were doing a simple EMF sweep of the home, and writing down all of the basic readings, for investigation use. Meaning, if we were in one area of the home, and we get an EMF spike, we could look at our documentation to see if there were any spikes in that area during the sweep.

While in the client's bedroom, we were doing a basic sweep around every wall in the room. When we came close to the alarm clock, the EMF Meter went crazy. The alarm clock spiked as high as 200.00. We were all shocked by this, as the alarm clock was very small.

After the investigation, and the client arrived back to their home, we explained to her how much her alarm clock spiked, and what exactly it meant.

The client stated that she was suffering from insomnia, and bad headaches. We then explained to her that since the alarm clock was right next to her head when she slept, or tried to sleep, that the high EMF's may have been causing her insomnia, and headaches. She then proceeded to unplug her alarm clock, and threw it away.

During the follow-up, we asked how her sleeping, and headaches were. She told us that since she threw away the alarm clock, she was sleeping much better, and the headaches were gone.

So it's very important to do a basic EMF sweep of a home, before conducting your investigation, and sharing all of those readings with the client. High EMF's in a home is very bad news. It could cause fires, plus numerous health issues.

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